You are not satisfied with our products or services?
Calling us with making a complaint by hotline number:
0 800 505 705 (free of charge on the territory of Ukraine)
Sending us a complaint by filling the Contact form
Sending an e-mail to:
Sending us a letter to: PJSC “IC “CARDIF”, 8, Illinska St., Kyiv, 04070
Your complaint will be considered from 3 to 10 working days
You received response but still left unsatisfied?
For the purpose of reconsidering your complaint, please contact with our Chief Compliance Officer with a repeated complaint by filling the Contact form.
Sending an e-mail to:
We have done everything to ensure that you are satisfied with our products and services, but did not meet your expectations?
If our answers did not satisfy you, you can complain to the NATIONAL BANK of UKRAINE by the following channels:
Sending an e-mail to:
Calling by phone: 0 800 505 240 (the calls are free of charge)
Sending a letter to the following address: 9, Instytutska St., Kyiv, 01601.
Care and wish to protect the family and its financial interests are the objectives of personal insurance. Insurance programs provide a possibility of protection from unnecessary troubles that may be caused by unforeseen circumstances. High-quality insurance products allow satisfying the Clients’ needs and providing guaranteed financial support in case of unpleasant life situations.
Banks and other companies are partners and are authorized to represent interests as well as enter into insurance agreements on behalf of the company. Such operation scheme was implemented for the clients’ convenience, as it gives a possibility to address one financial institution locally, to obtain qualified advice and the whole range of financial services.